Friday, April 1, 2011

If April 2 is Your Birthday Numerology Forecast & Analysis for 2011

If April 2 is your birthday, you need a gentle, cooperative, socially aware environment where you are most comfortable being "the power behind the throne." Your career choices include being "the world's greatest private secretary", a mediator, a peacemaker, a partner or as a musician in an orchestra or a dancer in a troupe. You are emotional, enjoy harmonious friendships, need a laid-back-easy-going intimate love, are considerate of others and keenly sensitive. Personal sensitivity may be an asset and a liability: You may feel secure, self-assured and remain unobtrusive and discreet while noting details and serving as a diplomat between opposing factions or you may feel insecure, lack-self-confidence and observe details and see them as criticisms of you: To maintain your equilibrium and emotional balance...the choice is yours. Throughout your lifetime, if you remain calm, patient, poised and positively receptive, you will attract opportunities for business, happiness in a meaningful love and nurture and support worthwhile causes and individuals.

2011 offers opportunities to independently begin a new direction and after August ends, to see a turn for the better. There's luck attached to your intuition and a change of fortune. Keep your mind on the goals you have set and expect July to be materially active and financially positive. There will new contacts, innovative ideas and starts and stops to your projects, goals and ambitions throughout this mentally and physically active year. You are setting the stage for the incoming eight years and planting seeds that will grow and blossom according to the efforts you expend. In 2011, have courage, be decisive and dare to be yourself.

Wear the color red to attract inventive leaders who have a distinct identity in 2011.
Ruby is your gem in 2011.
People whose names begin with the letters A, J and S are self-reliant, idealistic, progressive friends in 2011.

Your lottery numbers for 2011 are: 1, 5, 10, 13, 17, 28.

Celebrities born on April 2 are: Kurt Adler (Therapist/Writer), Hans Christian Anderson (Writer/150 Fairy Tales), Graham Bright (Private Secretary to British PM), Frederic-Auguste Bertholdi (French Sculptor/Statue of Liberty/, Armand-Gaston Camus (French CEO/ Council of 500), Jesse Carmichael (Keyboardist), Dana Carvey (Actor, Comedian, SNL), Giovanni Casanova ("World's Greatest Lover"), Charlemagne (1st Holy Roman Emperor), Walter Percy Chrysler (Founder Chrysler Auto Corp./Manufacturer), Rudolph P. Cleveringa (Dutch Anti Nazi lawyer), Buddy Ebsen (Actor, Dancer), Max Ernst (Painter/Founder Surrealism), Rita Gam (Actor), Sir Alec Guinness (Actor), Emmylou Harris (Country Singer), Linda Hunt (Actor), Victoria Jackson (Comedian/ SNL), Rodney King (Black Motorist Beaten by LA Police), Serge Lifar (Russian Dancer/Choreographer/Paris Ballet), Lou Monte (Singer), Christopher Meloni (Actor/"Law & Order SVU"/, Hugh Overton (British Diplomat), Ron Palillo (Actor/"Welcome Back Kotter"), Billy Pierce (Sports/Baseball/Chicago White Sox/ 7 Times All Star), Leon Russell (Singer/Songwriter/Pianist/Guitarist), Garnet Silk (Jamacian Reggae Musician), Elena Verdugo (Actor/"Marcus Welby"), Jack Webb (Actor), Todd Woodbridge (Australian Tennis Star/'95 Doubles Wimbledon), Emile Zola (Writer/"Nana").

For your April 2 Life forecast order YOU ARE YOUR BIRTHDAY available at \ click on BOOKS. To see excerpts and to order books by Ellin Dodge: NUMEROLOGY HAS YOUR NUMBER, YOU ARE YOUR FIRST NAME, YOU ARE YOUR BIRTHDAY, WIN THE LOTTERY! and FROM ACE TO ZUMMO click on BOOKS at WWW.ELLINDODGE.COM now.

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